Monday, September 19, 2011

"Trio", oil on linen on panel, 4.75x8 inches

"Trio", 4.75 x 8 inches, oil on linen on panel


Early on in my career I frequently painted my children.  People would ask me, "Doesn't it bother you to sell paintings of your children?" and I would tell them that it didn't.  Well, I have a confession to make.  Now that my children are grown, there are so many paintings of them that I would give anything to see again.  I must have been an extremely ruthless artist way back when.

This was painted from a photo of my kids that's been knocking around my studio for years.  Twenty to be exact.  I've always wanted to paint it and now I have. 

I remember this beautiful summer day with such clarity and such fondness.  While painting, I was absolutely taken back to those wonderful years of my life.

Some Sidenotes:

 ... in the off chance you might be thinking that I'm still as ruthless as ever, let me just say that this painting could very well be the study for a larger piece.  It's right off the easel, partly wet and partly dry.  I'll take a proper photo of it once it's varnished.

I've joined Twitter!  My son thinks it's a good idea.  You can follow me @BobbiDunlopArt.

If you'd like to receive my miniatures as I post them for auction on Daily Paintworks, please fill in the email box above. Thanks for visiting!  

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