Friday, May 29, 2009

Gone Fishin' .....

Photos: Below: Here I am, plein air painting with my good friends (top photo) Susan Fae and Charlie.

Ok, so I can't make the claim that fishin' got in the way of my blogging for the past year. Although I personally know of a couple of artist friends whose fly-fishing passions cause lengthy absences from their studios, this hasn't happened to me yet. (Rick Berg, Dave Hodges). Nor can I claim to have been golfing, because I don't do that either. My only obsession is painting and I'm pretty pleased about that.

To give you the reader's digest condensed version of my past year, it was a busy one. Last spring my husband and I travelled to London (not to visit the Queen, necessarily), Paris and Amsterdam. In that incredible journey we took in the London Portrait Museum, the National Gallery, The Louvre, Rembrandt's House and Rijksmuseum. All in the blissful pursuit of Rembrandt.

We also visited Santa Fe, New Mexico a couple of times, the incredible art destination which we love to explore. In August I had the pleasure of having a gallery show at Brandon Michael Fine Art on Canyon Road.

And here I am, back again, eager to resume this business of blogging. I hope to have my newsletter back on track in the coming days, as well. (you can sign up on my website Bobbi Dunlop Fine Art )

Most of you know that for my entire career I've been strictly a studio painter. My workspace is a wonderful, expansive, north-lit studio, in which I paint my still-life paintings, have models sit for me and I paint from life. Recently, however, I've been ceased with the urge to experience en plein air painting. ( *Google Definition for en plein air painting: French for "in the open air," used chiefly to describe paintings that have been executed outdoors, rather than in the studio.)

The photos above were taken recently on one such en plein air adventure. I'm hooked! You'll be hearing more about my en plein air adventures here and I'll post some paintings, too. The successful ones, that is ;0)

So, from this point on, rather than claiming to have gone fishin', it's more likely that I'll be gone paintin'.

Thanks for visiting......

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