Today is 'Thanksgiving Day' in Canada....just a reminder to me that I am so thankful for so much in my life. It really couldn't be more perfect with my great friends, my ever supportive family, my chosen profession.
This is a photo of my studio, the place that I spend hour after hour in a pursuit that I love. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about how lucky I am, and thankful to be doing what I love so much.
My studio is my oasis, and visitors often comment on the sense of this when they stand in the space. Often, it looks like a garage sale waiting to happen with all the shelves containing pots and objects that make their way into my paintings. My husband often finds things that have been missing from home. He never knows when he'll see them again!!
My studio is the perfect artist studio. It's attached to a car wash and the space was thoughtfully designed. A flower shop was in the space before I came upon it and I've kept up the original awning which says, "Mayflowers". It used to say "Mayflowers Florists" but I had the 'Florists' part taken down. The space has a high 12'ceiling and beautiful north windows. It also has an east window, but I've covered those with blinds which I close when I'm working, in order to use the single, perfect north light source.
My focus is to paint from life. This is easy to do when painting still life, which comprises most of my work these days. I set up my still-life arrangements under my wonderful northlit windows. When I have a model sit for me, for portrait work, I take photos which I load to my computer to work from later. It's not nearly as rewarding, nor as fun, as painting from life, but my models can't possibly sit for me for the time required. I've found that having the initial hours of painting the model from life, it's truly remarkable how much information stays in the mind and can be recalled later, so the photograph becomes merely a tool.
For a number of years I taught students in this very space. At that time it was full of tables and easels; a busy, thriving workspace with several weekly classes as well as weekend workshops in oils and watercolor. I set the teaching aside about 3 years ago to concentrate more on my own work. To meet so many requests, I plan to offer a workshop schedule at some point in the future.
This past week has been a busy and productive one in my studio. The little 'Rome Bus Stop' study has not been neglected. But, as is often the case, I was held up by wet paint....hope to post it for you soon. In the meantime, I've got a new larger piece, also near completion, that I will post once it's done.
And, if that's not first newsletter is actually on the horizon! So, if you are interested, please sign up on my website at Bobbi Dunlop Fine Art I'd love to have you onboard.
In the meantime, Blessings to you all....
Nice studio!