Monday, November 18, 2013

"The Greeting"

"The Greeting" 7.75 x 18 inches, oil on panel
My Dad had such a connection with animals, in his quiet way,  that we would call him the "Horse Whisperer".  It would be a rare sight to see him walking across the barn yard without a dog or two trailing behind, while his horses beckoned to him, hoping to perform a trick for him. 
One lovely afternoon, on a meandering buggy ride with his buddy, Francis, we came across these beauties in a neighbouring pasture.  Of course they had a greeting for Dad.  That's just how it was. 

Monday, November 11, 2013


W. E.G. (Edward) Dunlop, RCAF WWII
So grateful to the brave men and women who served this wonderful country. So proud of my Dad and missing him ... W.E.G. Dunlop, RCAF, WWII